About US

Daily News Auckland is the perfect place for you to catch up on the recent events and news happening in Auckland, New Zealand, and other parts of the world.

We only include the most important news for each day so that you won’t waste more time filtering, and you head straight into reading and digesting the contents we deliver.

Nowadays, there have been so many news websites that you can visit over the internet 24/7. They’re indeed amazing for the value that they provide, real-time news, and accurate information. However, one thing that bothers us the most is the number of texts present in every article.

Most of the time, people would only have little time to read about current news and events. Instead of making a lengthy article about something that happened earlier in the day, we want to shorten everything and only include essential parts.

We also make sure that the news we deliver is relevant and will stay the same after publication.

To put it simply, we focus and aggregate only the news that concerns you the most and also the citizens of New Zealand. We trim everything down and deliver you bite-size and straightforward news content, written and structured without any bias.

We want to create a thriving community built around knowledge and curiosity, which we all in the team have. It is only the start, and with the help of everyone, Daily News Auckland will start invading your search engines and homepages soon!

Daily News Auckland is still in its early stage, but we’re constantly working on pumping out news and new content to keep you updated with everything happening around Auckland.

Any kind of support for us is well-appreciated. You can share the website with other people or directly support us by becoming one of our sponsors. For more information about this, head over our contact page and give us a heads up!